Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue
but with actions and in truth.
This then is how we know that we belong to the truth,
and how we set our hearts at rest in His presence…
I John 3:18-19
"As our Savior says: A good tree is not able
to produce bad fruit. He says: A good tree,
that is, a good heart as well as a soul
on fire with charity, can do nothing
but good and holy works.
For this reason St Augustine said:
"Love, and do what you will,"
namely, possess love and charity and then
do what you will. It is as if he had said:
Charity is not able to sin."
From Spiritual Testament by St Angela Merici
St Angela Merici
Italy ~ 1470 -1540
Foundress: Ursiline Order *
*For the education of girls and for the missions
First teaching Order of Nuns
outside confines of convent enclosure
Feast Day - Jan 27

Shortly before her death in 1540, one of Angela’s friends asked her for a spiritual testament. She advised: “Do now - do now- what you'll wish you had done when your moment comes to die.”
St Angela Merici, pray for us!
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