O crux, ave spes unica!
(Hail, O cross, our only hope!)
"His side was pierced as Adam's was; yet there came forth not a
woman who, being beguiled, was to be a death-bearer, but a
fountain of life that regenerates the world by its two streams:
the one to renew us in the baptismal font and clothe us with the
garment of immortality, the other to feed us, the reborn, at the
table of God, just as babes are nourished with milk."
Bishop Theodore of Cyr (15th century)
From the treatise: On the Incarnation of the Lord
Souls have all the same price,
"Nature is in mourning covered with darkness during the Holy Hour of the first Good Friday. The chants of the heavenly Jerusalem are interrupted. The entire court of Heaven waits in order to receive the last throb of the Heart of the Man-God, the victim of Golgotha.
Fervent loving souls,
we are truly at the summit of Calvary:
it is the Holy Hour!
A loud voice resounds in the heights, a voice that says: "Father, into Thy hands I commend My spirit.' And bending His lacerated Head, Jesus Crucified dies of love. It is His Heart which out of love for us has brought Him to death. All glory to His loving Heart which gave us life and which now is stilled in death!"- Fr Mateo Crawley-Boevey
Image above: Christ Crucified ~ Viktor Vasnetsov (1896)

"Do grant, oh my God,
that when my lips approach Yours to kiss You,
I may taste the gall that was given to You;
when my shoulders lean against Yours,
make me feel Your scourging;
when my flesh is united with Yours,
in the Holy Eucharist,
make me feel Your passion;
when my head comes near Yours,
make me feel Your thorns;
when my heart is close to Yours,
when my heart is close to Yours,
make me feel Your spear."
St. Gemma Galgani
We adore Thee, O Christ, and we praise Thee
because by Thy holy Cross Thou has redeemed the world.
"Your love is my only martyrdom.
The more I feel it burning in me,
The more my soul desires you…
Jesus, make me die of love for you."
The more my soul desires you…
Jesus, make me die of love for you."
St Thérèse of Lisieux
"I desire that Adoration take place __________________
for the intention of imploring Mercy for the world,"
words of Jesus to St Mary Faustina of the Blessed Sacrament
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