"No one will have any other desire in heaven
than what God wills;
and the desire of one will be the desire of all;
and the desire of all and of each one
will also be the desire of God."
and the desire of all and of each one
will also be the desire of God."
St. Anselm, Letter 112

"I adore and venerate You
as much as ever I can,
as much as ever I can,
though my love is so cold,
my devotion so poor.
my devotion so poor.
Thank You for the good gift
of this Your holy Body and Blood,
which I desire to receive...that which
You promised through Your truth,
You promised through Your truth,
that my joy may be full…"
St Anselm
nee Italy ~ 1033-1109
Archbishop of Canterbury
Benedictine monk, theologian, philosopher
"Father of Scholasticism"
Doctor of the Church
Feast Day - April 21

"O God our God, grant us grace
to desire you with a whole heart,
so that desiring you we may seek and find you;
and so finding you, may love you;
and loving you may hate those sins
which separate us from you,
for the sake of Jesus Christ."- St Anselm
"From the moment of her fiat, Mary began
to carry all of us in her womb." - St Anselm
Image above: Annunciation ~ Andrea del Sarto
St Anselm, pray for us!
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