Fr. Gustavo Domenech celebrating holy Mass in the mountains
“Jesus seems continually to exclaim from the altar:

Come to Me, all you who work hard and who carry
heavy burdens and I will refresh you (Mt 11:28).
Come, He says, come you who are poor;
come, you who are infirm;
come, you who are afflicted;
come, you who are just and you who are sinners,
and you shall find in Me a remedy
for all your losses and afflictions.
This is the desire of Jesus Christ:
to console every person who calls upon Him.”
St Alphonsus Ligouri
Italy ~ 1696 - 1787
Lawyer before ordination as priest (age 30)
Bishop and Doctor of the Church
Founder of Redemptorist order
Prolific writer and gifted in the fine arts
FEAST DAY - August 1
Someone once remarked, after a sermon of Alphonsus,
“It is a pleasure to listen to your sermons;
you forget yourself and preach Jesus Christ.”
Ste Alphonsus Ligouri, ora pro nobis!
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