“St Rose of Lima was so ardent in her love of God in the Blessed Sacrament that when she knelt in His presence the fire which sparkled in her eyes showed the flame which consumed her soul. At times she appeared like an angel. If anyone asked her what effects the Blessed Sacrament produced in her, she stammered and said she had no words to express them, but that she seemed to pass entirely into God, and was inundated with such happiness that nothing in common life could be compared to it” (pg 34, Hidden Treasure). ...
“St Joseph Benedict LaBre, St Paschal Baylon and St Rose of Lima are three saints that we know of who spent forty straight hours in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament commemorating the forty hours Christ was in the tomb” (pg 39, Hidden Treasure).
Excerpts from Hidden Treasure, The Riches of the Eucharist
Louis Kaczmarek
Louis Kaczmarek
St Rose of Lima
Peru ~ 1586-1617
Patroness of South America
FEAST DAY - Aug 23

“When we serve the poor and the sick we serve Jesus.
We must not fail to help our neighbors,
because in them we serve Jesus.” - St Rose of Lima
Sta Rose of Lima, ora pro nobis!
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