"Live on Him
that you may live for Him."
St John Vianney
The Last Supper ~ Frans Pourbus
And as they were eating, He took bread,
and blessed, and broke it, and gave it to them, and said,
"Take; this is My Body."
And He took a chalice, and when He had given thanks
He gave it to them, and they all drank of it.
And He said to them,
"This is My Blood of the covenant,
which is poured out for many."
Gospel of Mark 14:22-24
St Mark
Evangelist, Martyr (+68 AD)
Disciple of St Peter, Cousin of Barnabus
Symbol: lion, often winged*
*The Gospel of St Mark begins with St John the Baptist,
"the voice of one crying in the wilderness,"
a voice that St Jerome compared to the roar of a lion.
FEAST DAY - April 25

Go out into the whole world and
proclaim the gospel to every creature. ~ Mark 16:15
St Mark, ora pro nobis!
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