"In the Eucharist, Christ is
always renewing His gift of self,
which He made on the Cross. His whole life
is an act of total
sharing of self out of love." - Pope Francis
"Our Christian conversion has to be a grateful response to the marvelous mystery of the love of God
that He worked through the death and resurrection of His Son, which becomes
present to us in every birth to the life of faith, in every act of forgiveness
which renews and heals us, in every Eucharist which sows in us the very feelings
of Christ.
In Lent, by conversion, we turn to the
roots of the faith by contemplating the immeasurable gift of the
Redemption, and we realize that everything has been given to us by the free
initiative of our God. ... Love shares everything it has..."
Pope Francis

"Only those who have been caressed by the tenderness
of mercy, truly know the Lord. The privileged place of encounter is the caress
of mercy of Jesus Christ towards my sin. And for this reason, sometimes, you have heard me say that the place, the
privileged place of encounter with Jesus Christ is my sin. It is thanks to this
embrace of mercy that the desire to
respond and change comes from, and that can allow a new life to spring
up." - Pope Francis, 9 March
Image: Wood cut - Eric Gill
PRAYER REQUEST: Several "little ones" from
my Catechism class will be making their first Confessions TOMORROW morning,
March 14. Their First Holy Communion Day will be May 3. They will be
on retreat May 2 and make another Confession in preparation that day, as well.
Please join me in prayer. - Janette
Happy and
Holy second year Anniversary of your Pontificate,
Pope Francis, as you show us the Way...
You have
the continued pledge of our love
and prayers!
Yes Janette, they are in my prayers. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks, Ruth - Today's the day!