The LORD is near to all who call upon him,
to all who call upon him in truth. - Psalm 145:18
to all who call upon him in truth. - Psalm 145:18
“It became obvious why Catholics had built such beautiful cathedrals and churches throughout the world.
Not as gathering or meeting places for Christians.
But as a home for Jesus Himself in the Blessed Sacrament.
Cathedrals house Jesus.
Christians merely come and visit Him.
The cathedrals and churches architecturally
prepare our souls
for the beauty of the Eucharist.”
Allen R. Hunt
for the beauty of the Eucharist.”
Allen R. Hunt
How I Discovered the Hidden Treasure of the Catholic Church (2010)
Photo above: Cathedral of St Paul (National Shrine of St Paul) ~ St Paul, MN - All are welcome!
Today is the FEAST DAY of St Bartholomew
Nee: Cana
Apostle and Martyr
"Here is a true child of Israel. There is no duplicity in him."
-said of St Bartholomew by Jesus - Gospel of St John 1:47

Among the twelve apostles great…There was Bartholomew…Known also as Nathanael…Among Christ’s chosen few…He too received The Holy Ghost…And he preached everywhere…That every soul might turn to God…And no one might despair…St Philip introduced him to…The Master and The Lord…And thus he came to understand…The goal he struggled toward…Bartholomew proclaimed the faith…Through all the barbarous East…And in the truest Christian sense…He was a holy priest…His death was double martyrdom…As legend now abide…Condemned to death, Bartholomew…Was flayed and crucified. ~ James Metcalfe, Poem Portraits of the Saints
St Bartholomew, pray for us!
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