May God himself, the God of peace,
sanctify you through and through. - I Thes 5:23

"The Mass is said in order that
the whole Church and the whole of our life may become a Mass,
may become Christ's sacrifice always present on earth.
St Francis de Sales resolved that he would spend the whole day preparing to say Mass, so that whenever anyone asked him what he was doing, he might always answer, "I am preparing for Mass."
We also could resolve to make our whole lives a participation in the divine mystery of the Redemption, so that when anyone puts the question to us, we can always answer, "I am saying the Mass. "
Francois Xavier Durrwell (1912- 2005)
French Redemptorist priest and renowned theologian

French Redemptorist priest and renowned theologian
During the Octave of All Saints' Day (Nov 1 thru Nov 8)
any of the faithful,
by devoutly visiting a cemetery and praying for the departed,
can obtain a plenary indulgence (each day this is done),
applicable to the poor souls in purgatory,
(under the usual conditions for obtaining indulgences).
THIS YEAR the indulgence has been
extended through the ENTIRE MONTH!!
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