Solemnity of Pentecost
Fifty days after Easter
In honor of the Holy Spirit - wear RED to holy Mass today!
Today is Pentecost. It is not merely a reminder of a past event, but a continuation of the Spirit renewing the face of the earth (Psalm 104:30). Today's Pentecost will not be a shadow of the first Pentecost, rather the first Pentecost is a shadow of today's Pentecost. God's grace is abounding all the more (Romans 5:20). The Spirit is not diminishing His work in our world, but increasing it. It will not be only thousands who come to Jesus today (Acts 2:41), but millions. The waters of the Spirit become deeper as they flow further around the world and into history (Ezekiel 47:5).
Come, Holy Spirit, Come!
The Spirit of the Lord has filled the whole world and that
The Spirit of the Lord has filled the whole world and that
which contains all things understands what is said, alleluia
-Entrance antiphon, today's liturgy
"The Church draws her life from the Eucharist.
This truth does not simply express a daily experience of faith,
but recapitulates the heart of the mystery of the Church.
In a variety of ways she joyfully experiences
the constant fulfillment of the promise:
“Lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age” (Mt 28:20),
but in the Holy Eucharist, through the changing of bread and wine into the
body and blood of the Lord, she rejoices in this presence with unique intensity.
Ever since Pentecost, when the Church, the People of the New Covenant,
began her pilgrim journey towards her heavenly homeland,
the Divine Sacrament has continued to mark the passing of her days,
filling them with confident hope." (Introduction, 1)
Pope St John Paul II
Encyclical Letter, Ecclesia de Eucharistia
On the Eucharist in its relationship to the Church
Pentecost image above: artist, Jan Joest van Kalker (c 1450-1519)
Christ the Giver of the Spirit - The Catholic Thing
In the Pantheon in Rome, thousands of rose petals are dropped
from the oculus after the celebration of Pentecost Mass!

The Holy Spirit "leads us to perceive the Lord’s presence
and love in our lives, and moves us to respond joyfully
in prayer and adoration."- Pope Francis
and love in our lives, and moves us to respond joyfully
in prayer and adoration."- Pope Francis
from the oculus after the celebration of Pentecost Mass!
The Pentecost Sequence, Veni Sancte Spiritus
Come, Holy Spirit
Come, Holy Spirit, come!
And from your celestial home
Shed a ray of light divine!
And from your celestial home
Shed a ray of light divine!
Come, Father of the poor!
Come, source of all our store!
Come, within our bosoms shine.
Come, source of all our store!
Come, within our bosoms shine.
You, of comforters the best;
You, the soul’s most welcome guest;
Sweet refreshment here below;
Sweet refreshment here below;
In our labor, rest most sweet;
Grateful coolness in the heat;
Solace in the midst of woe.
Grateful coolness in the heat;
Solace in the midst of woe.
O most blessed Light divine,
Shine within these hearts of yours,
And our inmost being fill!
Shine within these hearts of yours,
And our inmost being fill!
Where you are not, we have naught,
Nothing good in deed or thought,
Nothing free from taint of ill.
Nothing good in deed or thought,
Nothing free from taint of ill.
Heal our wounds, our strength renew;
On our dryness pour your dew;
Wash the stains of guilt away:
On our dryness pour your dew;
Wash the stains of guilt away:
Bend the stubborn heart and will;
Melt the frozen, warm the chill;
Guide the steps that go astray.
Melt the frozen, warm the chill;
Guide the steps that go astray.
On the faithful, who adore
And confess you, evermore
In your seven-fold gift descend:
And confess you, evermore
In your seven-fold gift descend:
Give them virtue’s sure reward;
Give them your salvation, Lord;
Give them joys that never end.
Give them your salvation, Lord;
Give them joys that never end.
With the Holy Spirit within us, "it is quite natural for people
who had been absorbed by the things of this world to become
entirely otherworldly in outlook, and for cowards to become
people of great courage." - St Cyril of Alexandria
who had been absorbed by the things of this world to become
entirely otherworldly in outlook, and for cowards to become
people of great courage." - St Cyril of Alexandria
Come, Holy Spirit, Come!
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