For he has delivered me from all my troubles,
and my eyes have looked in triumph on my foes. – Psalm 54:7
without showing her any marks of affection? She would say
that you do not love her. You would cause trouble in your home.
Well, when you do not receive Communion God says to Himself
that you do not love Him. And there is trouble in your soul. ...
Receive Holy Communion often.
Our Lord cannot refuse you anything
when He is there in your heart.
You will find strength and solace in this act.”
St. André Bessette
Canada ~ 1845-1937
Holy Cross Brother, porter
Miracle Man of Montreal
Great devotion to Eucharist and St Joseph
Feast Day - January 6

"I am only a man, just like you," time after time Br André Bessette reminded petitioners who came to him. Known as a miracle worker of healing during his lifetime, this humble lay brother insisted on giving all the credit to God, the faith of those healed, and the intercession of St Joseph. Quietly, he said, 'I will pray for you.' Time after time, healing came.
...."He spent his whle life speaking of others to God, and of God to others," said a friend of Br André. "It is difficult to say at what point in his life work began and ended, and at what point prayer started and ended: the two seemed to flow so naturally one into the other."
St. André Bessette, pray for us!
When Alfred (later to be Brother André) Bessette came
to the Holy Cross Brothers in 1870, he carried with him
a note from his pastor saying,
"I am sending you a saint." By his death,
he was receiving 80,000 letters each year
from the sick who sought his prayers and healing.
He died in 1937, at age 91.
A million people filed before his coffin.
“It is with the smallest brushes that the artist paints
the most exquisitely beautiful pictures."
St André Bessette
"Put yourself in God's hands; He abandons no one."
St André Bessette
"There is so little distance between heaven and earth
that God always hears us.
Nothing but a thin veil separates us from God."
Nothing but a thin veil separates us from God."
St André Bessette
“The Magi set out because of a deep desire which
prompted them to leave everything and begin a journey.
It was as though they had always been waiting for that star.”
- Pope Benedict XVI
Solemnity of the Epiphany
Although the date of the Epiphany on the General Calendar of the Church
is January 6th, in the USA and some other countries it is celebrated
on the Sunday after January 1st so more Catholics may attend holy Mass.
This year it was celebrated on January 8.
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