Solemnity of the Holy Mother of God
and World Day of Peace
January 1
“We serve a Mother who seems to grow more beautiful
“We serve a Mother who seems to grow more beautiful
as new generations call her blessed." ~ GK Chesterton

Photo credit: Gertrude Kasebier
"Cana is a delightful story of loving concern. Mary's maternal
solicitude moved her to intercede with her Son even though His hour
had not yet come. The loving heart of Jesus could not turn a deaf ear
to His Mother's intercession.
Jesus used this occasion to reveal to us the power of His Mother's intercession; also, to teach us Mary's role as Mother of the Church and intercessor for her children. Changing water into wine is a symbolic
sign and a remote preparation for the Eucharist.
At the very first Mass offered on Calvary's heights, Mary again
fulfilled her role of intercessor. John gives us this brief account without adjective or adverb, yet so descriptive: "Near the cross of Jesus
there stood His Mother (Jn 19:25)..."
The Church has always incorporated Mary's role into the Mass.
Mary is the channel through which Jesus came to us. She is also the
channel through which we go to Jesus.
As Queen-Mother of our eternal High-Priest, Mary continues to
intercede in heaven as she did on earth. Her intercession on Calvary
opened the floodgates of God's mercy. Her intercession in the Upper Room called down the Holy Spirit upon the disciples, and the Church was born."
David E Roage
The Bread of Life
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us!
Holy Spirit, bring new life and peace!
The Marriage at Cana, Gérard David
c. 1500, Oil on wood, Musée du Louvre, Paris
c. 1500, Oil on wood, Musée du Louvre, Paris
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