The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
yea, I have a goodly heritage.
... in thy presence there is fullness of joy... - Psalm 16: 6,11b
"The Eucharistic Congress in Venice that took place in August 1898, was prompted and carried out by the zeal and energy of the Patriarch, who spared no pains to make it a success.
Each parish was to take its part in the celebration, the whole Congress being carefully organized by the Cardinal himself. "The heart of man," he said, "is inconstant in good; it grows cold and languid if from time to time it is not stirred up to action." Conferences were held and missions were preached in many of the Venetian churches to prepare the people for the great event. The bells of all the towers in the city rang out to announce the beginning of the congress, which opened with a magnificent procession from the Patriarchal palace to St. Mark's.
"Jesus is our king," he said, "and we delight to honor as our King Him whom the world dishonors and disowns. We, His true subjects, offer our true homage to Christ the King; the intensity of our love shall be greater than the coldness of the world.
We meet around the tabernacle where Jesus remains in our midst until the end of time; there faith springs up anew in our hearts, while the fire of His charity - the very fire that He came to cast upon the earth - diffuses itself within us. The object of this Eucharistic Congress is to make reparation to our Lord Jesus Christ for the insults offered to Him in the Blessed Sacrament; to pray that His thoughts may be in our minds, His charity in our institutions, His justice in our laws, His worship in our religion, His life in our lives."
F.A. Forbes
Heroes of the Church: Life of Pius X
St Pius X
"Pope of the Eucharist"
Italy~ 1835-1914
257th Pope - 1903 to 1914
Papal motto: "To renew all things in Christ"
Advocated frequent Communion, Communion for children,
continual Catechesis for all, daily Scripture reading by all.
Reformed the liturgy, promoted clear and simple homilies,
brought Gregorian chant back.
FEAST DAY - August 21

Describing Pius X, an historian wrote that he was
“a man of God who knew the unhappiness of the world
and the hardships of life, and in the
greatness of his heart wanted to comfort everyone.”
Click here: St. Pius X - YouTube (2 mins)
St Pius X, pray for us!
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