FEAST of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel*
The Carmelites see in the Blessed
Virgin Mary a perfect model of the interior life of prayer and contemplation to
which Carmelites aspire, a model of virtue, as well as the person who was
closest in life to Jesus Christ. She is seen as the one who points Christians
most surely to Christ, saying to all what she says to the servants at the
wedding at Cana , "Do whatever He [Jesus] tells you." Carmelites look to Mary as spiritually
their mother and sister.
“Contemplating Mary, we will understand
the transforming force that the Eucharist
to her, we will find in the
mystery the courage
and strength to
follow Christ
the Good Shepherd and to serve Him in our
Pope St. John
Paul II
June 10,
Devotion to Our Lady of Mount
Carmel is expressed through the scapular.
“The scapular is an external sign of the
filial relationship established between the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother and
Queen of Mount Carmel, and the faithful who entrust themselves totally to her
protection, who have recourse to her maternal intercession, and who are mindful
of the primacy of the spiritual life and the need for prayer” (Directory on Popular Piety and the
Liturgy, 205).
Click here: Devotion to Our
Lady of Mount Carmel - YouTube (CNA - 2
Click here: Our Lady of Mt.
Carmel - YouTube (Apostleship of Prayer - 2
More info on scapulars and use, incl where to obtain one for
yourself: http://www.fisheaters.com/scapulars.html
Contact my blog friend, Barbara, for
very BEAUTIFUL scapulars/rosaries
Our Lady of Mt Carmel, pray for
and lead
us to your Son!
Feast Day to all Carmelites and scapular

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