"Jesus Lord, kind Pelican,
Cleanse my filth with Thy Blood.
One drop of which can
The whole world from all its
St Thomas Aquinas

"The symbolism of the mother pelican
feeding her little baby pelicans is rooted in an ancient legend
which preceded Christianity. The legend was that in time of famine, the mother
pelican wounded herself, striking her breast with the beak to feed her young
with her blood to prevent starvation. Another version of the legend was that the
mother fed her dying young with her blood to revive them from death, but in turn
lost her own life.
Given this tradition, one can easily see why the early Christians adapted
it to symbolize our Lord, Jesus Christ. The
pelican symbolizes Jesus our Redeemer who gave His life for our redemption and
the atonement He made through His passion and death. We were dead to sin and have found new life through the Blood of
Christ. Moreover, Jesus continues to feed us with His body and blood in the holy Eucharist.
Therefore, the image of the pelican is a strong reminder
of our Lord, who suffered and died for us to give us eternal life and who
nourishes us on our pilgrim way with the Holy Eucharist. May that image move us to show the same charity and self-giving
love toward all."
Fr. William
"The Symbolism of the Pelican"

Godhead Here in Hiding /Adoro Te
6th stanza - Text: St Thomas Aquinas,
Translation: Gerard Manley Hopkins
Bring the tender tale true of the Pelican;
Bathe me, Jesu Lord, in what Thy bosom ran
Blood whereof a single drop has power to win
All the world forgiveness of its world of sin.
Bathe me, Jesu Lord, in what Thy bosom ran
Blood whereof a single drop has power to win
All the world forgiveness of its world of sin.
Up for a treasure
hunt? Check your Parish or Chapel
for a pelican. Teach
someone the meaning!
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