"Christian, remember your dignity, and now
that you share in God's own nature, do not return by sin
to your former base condition." - St Leo the Great

"For the reception of Christ's Body and Blood
does nothing less than transform us
into that which we consume, and henceforth
we bear in soul and body Him in whose fellowship
we died, were buried, and are risen again."
St Leo the Great
Pope, Doctor of the Church
"Doctor of the Church's Unity"
Elected Pope unanimously altho still a deacon
Presided at Council of Chalcedon
Eloquent writer, homilist
Italy ~ 395-461
FEAST DAY - November 10
"The devil is always looking for someone to devour.
In the same way, Mary is always looking for someone
she can help in any way." ~ St Leo the Great
Click here: St. Leo the Great - YouTube (2:30 mins) CCTN
Click here: Pope St. Leo the Great - YouTube (2 mins) Apostleship of Prayer
St Leo the Great, pray for us!
When Pope Leo met Attila the Hun –
by Sister Catherine Goddard Clark, MICM
"Pope Leo the Great mounted the throne of Saint Peter at a time of terrible danger, both for the Church and the Empire. The fierce barbarian tribes, one after the other, had been on the march for the whole of the century, plundering, ravaging and threatening the entire Empire. The dreaded Attila the self-designated "Scourge of God," who left in the wake of his savage army burned churches, murdered priests, devastated countrysides, people ravished and maimed, impoverished and homeless, was on his way into Italy.
In the year 452, Attila the Hun, having with remorseless cruelty sieged, burned, sacked and destroyed Aquileia - the city in northeastern Italy at the head of the Adriatic Sea - was as close as Mantua, on his march to Rome. He was boasting, as he advanced, that the total conquest of
Practically alone, Pope Leo went out to meet the wanton murderer who was the terror of the world. He climbed steadily northward, this holy and august Vicar of Christ, and over the mountains, an arduous journey indeed in those days. He found the Mongolian chief below
The glorious Pope threatened Attila with the power which was his from Peter, the Prince of the Apostles, if he did not turn back and leave
Attila's servants, so the story is told, asked him why he had reversed his custom and capitulated so easily to the Bishop of
When one visits the
The Meeting between Leo the Great and Attila ~ Raphael
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