"What happiness do we not feel in the presence of God, when we find ourselves alone at His feet, before the holy tabernacle! …
‘Come, my soul, redouble your ardor!
You are here alone to adore your God!
His look rests on you alone!’
Ah! if we only had the angels' eyes! Seeing our Lord Jesus Christ here, on that altar, and looking at us, how we should love Him! We should want to stay always at His feet; it would be a foretaste of heaven; everything else would become insipid to us."
St John Vianney
Such a fitting meditation for the many times I am "alone" during my hour of Adoration!
Indeed, Terri, so glad this struck a personal chord. The sentiment comes from someone (St John Vianney) who spent hour upon hour in intimate audience with Our Eucharistic Lord. May his words and example (and yours!) draw us ever more to the altar of Our Lord, to the quiet, to greater friendship with Him.