Saturday is sacred as the day of the Lord's rest; it has been called the "Second
Sabbath" after creation. The day is and should be the most calm and quiet day of
the entire Church year, a day broken by no liturgical function and is chiefly a
day of solemn vigil for the Lord’s resurrection.
“By a beautiful paradox of Divine love, God makes
His Cross the very means of our salvation and our life. We have slain Him; we
have nailed Him there and crucified Him; but the Love in His eternal heart could
not be extinguished. He willed to give us the very life we slew; to give us the
very Food we destroyed; to nourish us with the very Bread we buried, and the
very Blood we poured forth. He made our very crime into a happy fault; He turned
a Crucifixion into a Redemption; a Consecration into a Communion; a death into
Life Everlasting."
Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, This is the Mass

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