the beginning God chose you to be saved through the
sanctifying work of the Spirit and through belief in the
called you to this through our gospel, that you might
share in
the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. - II Thes 2:

Belgium ~ Photo credit: Juliette Carter
“Being for every man the touchstone of faith and love, the Eucharist, like on
the Cross, divided the minds as soon as it was announced…
The man who partakes in the
breaking of the bread dares to build his house on the
very core of love. He becomes, as
it were, Godlike, but regardless of the strength he derives from it, his free
will remains. We are always free to
disown this immense grace, to abuse it.
The Greatest Love
may be betrayed…
The Eucharist engages us unreservedly; it is a pact of
love, an alliance signed
in the deeper recesses of our being. All our potentialities are called upon to
warrant the protection and fulfillment of this pact.”
Francois Mauriac
Holy Thursday: An
Intimate Remembrance
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