... I was sick and you
looked after me ... Matthew 25:36c

"St Camillus de Lellis never celebrated Holy Mass
without first going to Confession, because he wanted at least
"to dust off" his soul. Once at sundown in a public square in Livorno, before
taking leave of a priest of the same religious order, foreseeing that he would
not have a priest to confess to on the following morning before his Mass, the
Saint paused, took off his hat, made the sign of the Cross and went to
Confession right there in the square to his
From Jesus Our Eucharistic
Love (pg 32)
by Fr
Stefano M Manelli, FFI
St Camillus de
Italy ~
Encouraged to
priesthood by St Phillip Neri
Founder of
Order: Fathers of Good Death
Patron of
hospitals, nurses and the sick
The Camellians took the vow to
"devote themselves
to material and spiritual care of the sick and needy". St.
Camillus honored the poor and sick as living images of Christ. His reverence in
their presence was as great as if he were really and truly in the presence of
his Lord.
“The poor and
the sick are the heart of God. In serving them,
we serve Jesus
the Christ. ...We want to assist the sick
with the same
love that a mother has for her only sick child."
- Saint Camillus de Lellis
Click here: PRAYER TO ST
CAMILLUS - YouTube (1:45
The figure on this
crucifix, which is venerated in the
St Camillus,
pray for us!
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