For Christ's
love compels us... II Cor

would seem impossible, did we not know it to be true, that God could abide
with us always, in littleness and humility
even more extreme than
infancy. …Yet this is so. Every day, every hour, Christ is born
on the altar in the hands of the priest. Christ is lifted up and sacrificed;
Christ is buried in the tomb
of the human heart and Christ rises from
the tomb to be the life of the world through
His Communion with men. …
This is the
Host-life. …In the Host He is our Life
on earth today. … The Host-life is not something new or different from the
Christ-life that we know already. It is the
very core of it … the life which Christ Himself is living in
the world now. It is His choice of how to live His
life among us today. … It alone can restore humanity to happiness … one thing
only … supernatural life, beginning secretly in each individual heart; just as
Incarnate Love began secretly on earth in the heart of Mary. It is one thing only, the birth
of the Infant Christ in us, Incarnate Love.
Carry Christ everywhere
in your hearts. Make your souls
monstrances, and
go into places where Our Lord has never been adored in the Host, where
the monstrance has never been lifted
Passion of the Infant
Ten – The Host Life)
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