"If only we had the humility to realize that He alone is
Goodness and makes us good. As soon as we come into His Presence
in the Eucharist, our souls respond to the power before them
like a sunflower turning towards the sun.

His silent Presence, hidden in the tabernacle,
says to each one of us,
'I love you. Come to Me all you who labor and are burdened and
I will refresh you. Come to the fountain of life and drink.
Tell Me your problems. Listen to My voice. I tug at your heart,
guiding your way and smoothing your path.'
There is between the
Eucharistic Heart of Jesus and the soul,
a silent exchange of love, a sharing of pain,
an inaudible dialogue between two who
know each other perfectly and love each other deeply.
It is as if the soul sees itself in a perfect Mirror
and knows clearly its faults and imperfections.
A strange phenomenon occurs as the soul gazes at Jesus.
Its own reflection becomes brighter.
Its faults fade away and one day that 'soul is turned -
transformed into the image it reflected' (II Cor 3:18).
This being true,
why do we permit our souls to die of thirst
when the Fountain of Living Water
is just around the corner?"
Mother Angelica
To Leave and Yet to Stay

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