"Oh Jesus, how are you doing in the narrow cell of my heart?
Are You alright? Expand my chest, because
it is no longer enough to contain You..." - St Gemma Galgani
Are You alright? Expand my chest, because
it is no longer enough to contain You..." - St Gemma Galgani
all my affections to the Sacred Host? ...
I am Yours, oh Jesus.
You have good reason to complain about me, yes, because I have
offended You. And, undeserving as I am, I should be obliged
to give back to the Altar so many stolen Breads,
and so much precious Blood.
But I promise You that I will make amends."
St Gemma Galgani
Italy ~ 1878- 1903
Virgin, Mystic, Stigmatist
"Gem of Christ"
"Saint of the Passion"
Feast Day - April 11
Feast Day - April 11
"I feel love will finally conquer me, and that my soul, unable to love Jesus enough
here on earth, will be in danger of being separated from my body.
How blessed to love Jesus alone. ... Oh Father, if you could say in a few days time:
'Gemma was a victim of love and died of love.' - What a blessed death! I would wish
to be dissolved and that my heart might become ashes so that all could say:
'The heart of Gemma has been consumed by Jesus.' " - St Gemma Galgani
here on earth, will be in danger of being separated from my body.
How blessed to love Jesus alone. ... Oh Father, if you could say in a few days time:
'Gemma was a victim of love and died of love.' - What a blessed death! I would wish
to be dissolved and that my heart might become ashes so that all could say:
'The heart of Gemma has been consumed by Jesus.' " - St Gemma Galgani

The inscription placed on her tomb reads:
"Gemma Galgani of Lucca, a most innocent virgin,
while in her 25th year, consumed rather by the fire of Divine Love
than by the violence of disease, flew into the arms of her
Heavenly Spouse on Holy Saturday, the eleventh of April, 1903.
Peace be to Thee, O sweet soul, in company with the Angels."
Click here: Saint Gemma Galgani - YouTube (10 mins) EXCELLENT!
St Gemma Galgani, pray for us!
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