"Let us not be satisfied with a mediocre life." -
Pope Francis

Eucharist is the summit of God's saving action:
the Lord Jesus,
by becoming bread broken for us,
pours upon us all of His mercy and
His love,
so as to renew our hearts, our
and our way of relating with Him
and with the brethren.
It is for this reason that commonly,
when we approach this Sacrament,
we speak of 'receiving
Communion,' of 'taking Communion':
this means that by the power of the
Holy Spirit, participation in
Holy Communion conforms us in a singular and profound
way to Christ,
giving us a foretaste
already now of the full communion with the Father
that characterizes the heavenly
banquet, where together with all the Saints
we will have the joy of
contemplating God face to face."
Pope Francis
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