love endures forever! (cf. Ps
"The very core of Christianity is expressed in the heart of Jesus ...
the Love that saves us and even now makes us live in the eternity of God (John 3:16).
... God's heart calls to our hearts, inviting us to come out of ourselves,
to forsake our human certainties, to trust in Him and by following His example,
to make ourselves a gift of unbounded love." ~ Pope Benedict XVI

So it is that the Sacred Heart, the Holy Eucharist, and Love itself, are one and the same thing; for in the Eucharist dwells Jesus, in Jesus His Heart, and in His Heart is infinite love. The Eucharist can be explained only by love; the love of Jesus is the love of His Heart, and so the Eucharist is explained only by the Sacred Heart. Drawn close to the Sacred Heart of Jesus by cords of love, we receive into our own hearts the Eucharistic Lord in Holy Communion. It is not possible to carry fire in one's bosom and not become inflamed by it. Fire enkindles fire."
Richard Neilsen
overcomes, love delights.
who love the Sacred Heart rejoice."

“O Jesus, a soldier opened Your
side with his lance, so
that, through the gaping wound, we might know the charity of Your Heart, which
loved us unto death, and that we might enter into Your unutterable love through
the same channel by which it came to us.
Approach, then, O my soul, the Heart of Christ, that magnanimous Heart, that hidden Heart, that Heart which thinks of all things and knows all things; that loving Heart, all on fire with love. Make me understand, O Lord, that the door of Your Heart was forced open by the vehemence of Your love.
Allow me to enter into the secret of that love which was hidden from all eternity, but is now revealed by the wound in Your Heart.” -St. Bernardine ofSiena
Approach, then, O my soul, the Heart of Christ, that magnanimous Heart, that hidden Heart, that Heart which thinks of all things and knows all things; that loving Heart, all on fire with love. Make me understand, O Lord, that the door of Your Heart was forced open by the vehemence of Your love.
Allow me to enter into the secret of that love which was hidden from all eternity, but is now revealed by the wound in Your Heart.” -St. Bernardine of

"I am linked with Eternal
Love through the Blessed Sacrament. In His temple within me,
the Saviour has revealed His goodness and kindness to me. I have received the
inestimable alms of God. His love urges
So, for all mankind, I
beg Your Eternal Love. Let me pour out this Love into the
hearts of all. Let me welcome with compassion the poor, the oppressed, the
rejected, those in danger, and lead them to You, the Good Shepherd. Grant me
this grace through the Blessed Sacrament, the source of Your human-divine
... Never have I been
able to separate the
devotion of the Sacred Heart from that of the Blessed Sacrament.
... When you are appealing to
His Divine Heart for a soul, He will never refuse you, although
sometimes He demands much prayer, sacrifice and
Maria Droste
Shepherd Sister
Our Lord made known to Bl
Maria that He wanted the entire universe consecrated to His
Heart and that she was to
request this of the Holy Father. She carried out this delicate task in June,
1898, and again, on the insistence of our Lord, in January, 1899. "My mission on earth will be completed
as soon as the consecration is accomplished", she said to her confessor. And
so it was. Shortly before her death (June 8, 1899) Bl Maria received news of
the publication of the encyclical ANNUM SACRUM with the decree of consecration of the entire
human race to the Sacred Heart (Pope Leo
XIII) on June 11,
In 2002 Pope St John Paul
II designated
the Solemnity of the Sacred
Heart of Jesus
as a
World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of
O Holy Mother of
pray for the
priests your Son
has chosen to
serve the Church.
Help them, by your
to be holy,
zealous and chaste.
Make them models
of virtue
in the service of
God's people.
Help them be pious
in meditation,
efficacious in
and zealous in the
daily offering
of the Holy
Sacrifice of the Mass.
Help them
administer the Sacraments
with love and
St Charles
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