Today is Sunday and as a 4th c homily reminds:
the Lord's Day is the lord of days...
yet let us today also remember ... St Josemaría Escrivá
"I am asked for very little compared to
how much I am being given." - St Josemaría Escrivá
the Lord's Day is the lord of days...
yet let us today also remember ... St Josemaría Escrivá
"I am asked for very little compared to
how much I am being given." - St Josemaría Escrivá
"... Jesus hides in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar
because He wants us to dare to approach Him.
He wants to nourish us so we become one single thing with Him.
When He said, Apart from Me you can do nothing,
He was not condemning Christians to ineffectiveness
or obliging them to seek Him by a difficult and arduous route.
On the contrary... He has stayed here with us,
He is totally available to us."
St Josemaría Escrivá
Spain ~ 1902-1975
Priest, Founder of Opus Dei
FEAST DAY - June 26

St Josemaría Escrivá, pray for us!
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